
Journal «Water and water purification technologies. Scientific and technical news»
Journal for scientific and technical specialists in water and related fields of science and technology, as well as students, graduate students and university professors.
The founders of the journal are the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and LLC "Ukrainian Union of Specialists in Water Purification". Journal issued since 2010.
The journal is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 18.12.2018 №1412), which are recommended for publication of the main scientific results of dissertations (ecology) (101), chemistry (102), chemical technologies and engineering (161)).
Category B.

Databases and catalogs that index publications: CrossRef, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Ulrichsweb, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
Materials are printed in the original language.
Language of publication: English, Ukrainian.

38 issues

journal «Water and water purification technologies. Scientific and technical news»


scientific articles

> 75

authors of articles

The journal focuses on issues related to the scientific and technical justification of water treatment processes and their practical implementation, scientific aspects of water quality and water treatment.

The journal provides an opportunity to publish articles and materials containing information about scientific and practical achievements and technical developments, the results of original research relevant to the subject of the journal.

Journal «Water and water purification technologies. Scientific and technical news» publishes materials on the following topics:


Physico-chemical bases of water treatment


Water quality and methods of its analysis


Methods of drinking water preparation


Water treatment for industrial enterprises


Wastewater treatment


Drainless circuits and disposal


Materials and equipment for water treatment


Mathematical modeling and optimization


Hygienic aspects of water treatment and purification


Environmental problems of water treatment processes


Water and health


Unconventional approaches and methods of water treatment

The Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine recommends the journal WPT.STN for publishing the results of dissertations

Editorial board

The editorial board of the journal includes leading scientists
and specialists in the field of water treatment and purification,
both Ukraine and other countries


Editor-in-ChiefO. V. Liniucheva

Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Electrochemical Productions Technology, National technical University of Ukraine «Kyivs polytechnical institute of Igor Sikorsky», (Ukraine)


PublisherT. Ye. Mitchenko (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, National technical University of Ukraine «Kyivs polytechnical institute of Igor Sikorsky», (Ukraine)


Deputy Editor-in-ChiefT. A. Dontsova (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Sub-Department f Inorganic Substances, Water Purification and General Chemical Technology, National technical University of Ukraine «Kyivs polytechnical institute of Igor Sikorsky», (Ukraine)

Members of the editorial board:

W. Kwapinskyi (Limerick, Ireland)R.Ch. Singh (Amristar, India)D. Muraviev (Barcelona, Spain)H. Ratnavira (Oslo, Norway)I. Kozyatnyk (Umeå, Sweden)V. Maksin (Kyiv, Ukraine)
N. Kabay
(Izmir, Turkey)
P. Vakuliuk
(Kyiv, Ukraine)
A. Ivanets
(Minsk, Belarus)

I. Andrusyshyna (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Z. Maletskyi
(Oslo, Norway)
V. Gitis
(Beersheba, Israel)
F. Lipnizki
(Lund, Sweden)
M. Abas
(Kena, Egypt)
V. Linkov
(Cape Town, South Africa)
(Ithaca, Australia)
V. Tarabara
(East Lansing, USA)
V. Kyshnevskyi
(Odessa, Ukraine)

Executive Secretary

Marta Litynska

Consultative Editor

Sergey Vasilyuk

Content Editors

Olena Yanushevska, Iryna Kosogina


Anna Nypadymka
