WaterNet expert council

Given the growing needs of the public and businessin the qualified assessment of a situation in the field of water treatment, WaterNet has established a specialized expert council, which includes 4 doctors and 3 candidates of science.

> 10

information requests to public authorities and relevant agencies

> 20

examinations of water treatment projects at social facilities (schools, kindergartens, medical institutions and universities)

> 10

speeches in regional and national mass media

The specialized expert council conducts examination of projects,
analysis of the water treatment market, takes expert part in the work of regulatory bodies

Expert council Members

T. Ye. Mitchenko

Head of the council - Doctor of Science, Full Professor,President WaterNet

V. A. Kyshnevskyi

Doctor of Science, Full Professor,Head of the Department of TWP ONPI

I. M. Andrusyshyna

Doctor of Science, Institute of Occupational Medicine АМN of Ukraine

V. V. Vakuliuk

Doctor of Science, Associate Professor, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

V. V. Chekaniuk

Technical director LLC Linex

I. V. Kosogina

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Inorganic Substances, Water Purification and General Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemistry,Igor SikorskyKyiv Polytechnic Institute

S. L. Vasilyuk

PhD, Laboratory of ion exchange and adsorption, Faculty of Chemistry,Igor SikorskyKyiv Polytechnic Institute


Speeches in regional and national media

Expert assessment of the water quality situation

Participation in meetings of city councils on problems of drinking and sewage treatment

Formation of public attitude to water problems through the media, executive authorities, etc.

Water treatment projects expertise, including social facilities (schools, kindergartens, medical institutions and universities)

Information requests to public authorities and relevant departments

Water treatment market analysis

Technical and legal advice
