The first professional public organization of specialistson water treatment, which was established in 2010 to provide comprehensive professional support to industry professionals and raise public awareness about drinking water quality.
Know and comply with all domestic and international sectoral laws, regulations and codes.
Have professional knowledge and practical experience, approved by appropriate certificates, constantly improve your professional level, distribute reliable information about water quality and modern methods of water treatment.
Build your own business and compete on the basis of the benefits of your own products and services, along with self-improvement and development of your company.
To maintain partnership with other water market participants and avoid unfair competition and unreasonable criticism at their address.
Competently and honestly serve customers, respond promptly to claims, fairly inform about the main conditions of smooth and safe operation of equipment and associated costs.
Comply with the WaterNet Regulatory Documents approved by the WaterNet Board, including this Code, the Membership Regulations, the Statute, as well as all the decisions of the General Meeting and the Board of WaterNet.