NGO WaterNet with financial support of FLC Embassy of Finland in Kyiv
Duration: December 2022 – October 2024
to raise awareness about the drinking water quality in Ukraine during the war and sharing the knowledges about modern water treatment methods and technologies.
● Drinking water quality assessment● Educational courses for water specialists and information dissemination
In total 2004 water samples from 23 regions of Ukraine were analyzed for the following water quality indicators:
2004 water samples
for 13 physic-chemical and organoleptic indicators (Laboratory of ion exchange and adsorption, KPI)
619 water samples
for petroleum products (Laboratory of ion exchange and adsorption, KPI)
167 water samples
for heavy metals: Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium (Laboratory of the State Institution «Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»)
The share of samples that does not meet the standard DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10
*Does not meet the standard for at least one of the quality indicators
Online training courses on modern water treatment technologies
Laboratory Practicum on modern water treatment methods and technologies (150 pcs)
Monography “Modern ways to clean water” (2 parts, 12 chapters, 436 pages)
№1-2, 2024
№1-2, 2023
Tatyana Mitchenko
Dr.Sc., professor Chemical Technology Department of Inorganic Substances Technologies and General Chemical Technologies, Chemical Technologies Faculty; Head of the Innovative Water Technologies Center and the Laboratory of Ion Exchange and Adsorption, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Volodymyr Tarabara
Director, Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI USA
Harsha Ratnaveer
PhD., professor
Norwegian University of Natural Sciences, Norway
Director of the Boards of IWA and EWA
Zakhar Maletsky
Ph.D., associate professorNorwegian University of Natural Sciences, Norway
Valeria Burlakova
MSc, commercial director,
DuPont Water Solutions in Western Europe, Tarragona, Spain
Iryna Kosogina
Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances, Water Purification and General Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Deputy Head of the Innovative Water Technologies Center for Educational Work, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Iryna Andrusyshina
Dr.Sc., Head of the testing center and the head of the sector for the study of microelement diseases of the State University "Y.I. Kundiyev Institute of Occupational Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Sergey Vasilyuk
Ph.D., Deputy Head of the Innovative Water Technologies Center for Research and Testing, Faculty of Chemical Technology, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Arkady Shakhnovskyi
Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances, Water Purification and General Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Yukhim Driker
MSc, digital transformation manager, SPC Ecosoft LLC
Pavlo Stander
MSc, chief engineer, SPC Ecosoft LLC, certified WQA specialist
Vsevolod Polyakov
MSc, technical director, SPC Ecosoft LLC
Rostislav Mudryk
MSc, Chief Development officer, SPC Ecosoft LLC
Vitaly Stetsenko
MSc, head of technical support, SPC Ecosoft LLC, certified WQA specialist
Stanislav Koshelev
industrial water treatment manager, SPC Ecosoft LLC, certified WQA specialist
Lviv 23 May 2024 XXII International scientific and practical conference "Natural water resources of the Carpatian region: problems of protection and rational use“ (in Lviv Polytechnic National University). 4 abstracts from WaterNet team.
SECTION “NATURAL WATER RESOURCES AND THEIR ECOLOGICAL CONDITION”:1) Safe drinking water in Ukraine: access to information on water quality and water treatment methods. Project results. Berezhna Yuliia, executive director NGO WaterNet.2) Water Quality Monitoring. Kosogina Iryna, Ph.D. associate professor of the department of technology of inorganic substances, water treatment and general chemical technology, Chemical and technological faculty, "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".3) Topical issues of the ecological state of natural and drinking water in Ukraine in today's realities: new pollutants, methods of analysis and approaches to treatment. Andrusishyna Iryna, Ph.D., the head of the testing center and the head of the sector for the study of microelement diseases of the State University "Institute of Occupational Medicine named after Yu.I. Kundiyev of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
SECTION “MODERN DRINKING WATER TECHNOLOGIES AND WATER PREPARATION TECHNOLOGIES“:1) Membrane module optimization for water vending machines. Rostyslav Mudryk, PhD student "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", director R&D department SPC LTD Ecosoft.